When you are choosing your packaging materials, is it not always that you choose the glue in the first place? However, you need to do a little bit of work rather than simply selecting a product on a pick-and-choose basis. And to get the most out of your money, you need to check some basic aspects.
The Substrates
The first decision that comes in choosing packaging adhesives is the substrate. And while choosing it, you have to consider the materials that you need to glue together. Different types of adhesives are likely to perform better with various substrates. This includes the joining of materials.
The Capacity to Absorb
It is important that you understand that certain types of glues are not ideal for specific types of applications. This is because they take in a lot of moisture and water. And more than often, such glues dry up quite fast. The Packaging Adhesives that dry up quickly might not be ideal for packing materials with uncoated materials. Hence, glue that dries up really fast can be unsuitable for packing materials that have uncoated paper. As a general rule, uncoated packing papers do not require strong glue. However, it needs adhesives with low moisture content. Similarly, different types of packing materials need different types of glues. If you are not too sure about what product to use, then your local service providers can offer some excellent options.
Not Just the Substrate
When finding the best quality packaging glue, you need to go beyond the substrate. That is to say, it is also important to consider the coating that you use on it. Knowing the coating on the substrate makes it possible to narrow down the choices of the glue that you want to use. For example, if you want to glue one type of paper with another kind. However, one of the varieties has film on it. The substrates having film are essentially plastic substrates. So you need to find a glue that not essentially joins paper with paper but paper with plastic.
The Question of Eco-Friendliness
It is always a good idea to opt for a 'green' variety of Packaging Adhesives. However, they might not work well with specific types of substrates. For example, it does not work well with plastic substrate. Remember that the very first step in packing is to shield your product. If your packaging does not hold together due to the wrong glue application, then you might end up with damaged and unsalable products. They can emit even more pollution than that of any synthetic glue.